EANO Seminars 2026 - Call for applications
The European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) invites applications to host the EANO Seminar 2026, a premier educational event designed to provide updates on the latest advances in the pathogenesis and management of CNS tumors, with particular attention devoted to the application in the clinical practice.
This event aims to engage scientists, physicians, and healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. It primarily targets junior professionals from across Europe, fostering education and collaboration in neuro-oncology.
EANO seeks hosts for the 2026 edition of the seminars. Priority will be given to locations that have not traditionally hosted EANO events, aligning with our goal to expand access and outreach across Europe.
If you are interested in hosting, please submit your bid via email to EANO Office at office@eano.eu. For more information regarding the bid requirement, please visit the website here.
Deadline for submission: January 8, 2025
30 Years of EANO
Dear EANO Members, Dear Community,
This year we celebrate 30 years of EANO.
This is a chance to look back at how the Association has grown into the vibrant multi-disciplinary organisation that we know today and also to look forwards to what we would like to achieve for our members and for the neuro oncology community.
We have brought together some memorabilia, facts and figures and photographic evidence of the story of EANO on our webpages (https://30.eano.eu). We will be displaying similar information during the upcoming congress, but there is still room for more so please contribute here. You will also notice some changes that hint at a more modern, updated face for EANO with a new logo which you can also spot in the 30 year anniversary material.
We hope you enjoy the EANO memories, continue to support the Association and help us in our ambitions for the future.
Susan Short
President of EANO
Why Become an EANO Member?
EANO is Europe’s multidisciplinary Neuro-Oncology organisation representing all medical and scientific disciplines involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the central nervous system (CNS). EANO is dedicated to promote advances in Neuro-Oncology through innovative research and concerted education and training. It enhances collaboration between all relevant disciplines - Neuro-Oncology, Neurosurgery, Neuropathology, Neuroradiology, and Radiation Oncology as well as Nursing - and aims at bridging science, knowledge and practice gaps in the management of CNS malignancies.
Today, EANO has over 700 members from more than 70 countries. EANO stimulates (inter)national cooperation together with our major partner societies, the Society of Neuro-Oncology in the US (SNO) and the Asian Society of Neuro-Oncology (ASNO); together, EANO, SNO and ASNO are charter societies of the World Federation of Neuro-Oncology Societies (WFNOS).
The EANO Youngster Initiative provides a platform for exchange, networking and career support for young clinicians and scientists.
EANO provides multiple services to its members. We organise scientific and educational webinars and meetings with 'state of the art' lectures covering the broad spectrum of all disciplines in Neuro-Oncology, including our flagship annual EANO Meeting and the quadrennial WFNOS Meeting.
Further, EANO offers exclusively to its members free access to Neuro Oncology, Neuro Oncology Practice and the Neuro Oncology Advances Journals.
EANO considers the preparation of multidisciplinary guidelines as a prime task to support the development of high quality care for brain tumour patients across Europe. The EANO Youngster Initiative is a highly active platform for exchange, networking and career support for young clinicians and scientists. We also offer high level post-graduate education through the EANO School of Neuro-Oncology launched in 2022 and strongly support increasing diversity in the Neuro-Oncology community.
Kind Regards
Michael Platten
EANO President (2024-2026)