Disparity Committee

EANO wishes to strengthen its role in supporting diversity in Neuro-Oncology-related professions in Europe and has created a new EANO disparity committee in 2019.
The Disparity Committee is chaired by Karin Piil and will support diversity in clinical care and research activities in the field of Neuro-Oncology. The committee will focus on identifying issues concerning disparity across Europe, exploring the needs of the EANO membership in this area, and on elaborating innovative strategies to address disparity in the Neuro-Oncology community. Interactions with other EANO committees will be sought, and our group welcomes collaborations with other [external] disparity working groups.
Disparity Committee Members (2024-2025):
Karin Piil, Denmark (Chair 2023-2025)
Mayen Briggs, United Kingdom
Julia Furtner-Srajer, Austria
Caroline Hertler, Switzerland
Barbara Kiesel, Austria
Miarka Lauirtz, Germany (Youngster Representative)
Julio Plata-Bello, Spain
Evangelia Razis, Greece
Susan Short, United Kingdom (Past-Chair)
Anastasia Vernadou, Greece
EANO Diversity Statement
EANO is aming for a diverse and equal community that contributes to the aims of EANO, and a reversal of disparity that is harmful to professionals, patients and society. See our aims and objectives in our diversity statement...