Systemic anticancer therapy-induced peripheral and central neurotoxicity: ESMO–EONS–EANO Clinical Practice Guidelines

Systemic anticancer therapy-induced peripheral and central neurotoxicity: ESMO–EONS–EANO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, prevention, treatment and follow-up

Central and especially peripheral neurotoxicities due to systemic antineoplastic therapy are common and often dose-limiting side effects. In patients with chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN), recovery is in general partial with residual deficits in most patients. In these Clinical Practice Guidelines, recommendations on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of peripheral neurotoxicity and specific aspects of central neurotoxicity due to antineoplastic therapy will be given. Recommendations regarding immune-related neurotoxicity due to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPis) are described in depth in the ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines on ‘Management of toxicities from immunotherapy’.

Click here to read published version (Annals of Oncology (2020), DOI:

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