EANO 2024

We thank our valued partners for their support.

For any questions about sponsorship & exhibition, please contact Mr. Julian Piskula from the organising office: eano-meetings@eano.eu

Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors




General Sponsors, Exhibitors & Partners


  • Carthera

  • Cercare Medical

  • Curevac

  • Dxcover

  • Focused Ultrasound Foundation

  • Fore Biotherapeutics

  • Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission

  • SERB Pharmaceuticals

  • Standard BioTools

  • Vector Builder

  • VPIX Medical

Exhibitor & Sponsor Manual

Opens external link in new windowDOWNLOAD the Exhibitor & Sponsor Manual

In case of any questions, please contact us at eano-meetings@eano.eu

Ethical Medtech / e4ethics: EMT36740